Coach and bus reservation in Hanover and in entire Lower Saxony

The bus booking agency Sachsen-Anhalt Bus specializes on reservation of top-quality buses with driver in and around Hanover as well as in all other places of Lower Saxony and all parts of Germany. In co-operation with the best charter coach companies in Hanover, from other locations in the region of Lower Saxony, from all districts in the current region of Lower Saxony, and from all other regions in Germany, we are able to rent you out buses of any size for any bus rental requirements.

Possible kinds of bus reservation services in Hanover and anywhere in Lower Saxony

If you are looking to hire a coach with driver, we and our partner bus companies can offer you modern coaches from Hanover and any other city in Lower Saxony with a professional driver from Lower Saxony for any type of tour. For example, our company can arrange your transfers and journeys by local coaches from Lower Saxony and from entire Germany. Our staff is looking forward to transport your group to the closeby cities of Hanover, Göttingen, Wolfsburg, Osnabrück, and Oldenburg - and to all other destinations in Germany and Europe.

Hire a bus in Lower Saxony

If you wish to hire a motorcoach with driver in Hanover or at any other place in Lower Saxony, please proceed to get in touch with us at the address . We are waiting for your bus rental request and will answer you almost instantly with a tailor-made offer concerning your bus or minibus tour departing from Lower Saxony or elsewhere in Germany and all around Europe.

Tour guide reservation in Lower Saxony and entire Germany

In addition to your coach rental, do you also need a well-trained tourguide for journey near Hanover? In this case, our staff will be happy to help you arrange tailor-made guided tours within and around Hanover, and in entire Lower Saxony. Our highly motivated tourguides can't wait to explain you any sightseeing hotspot of Lower Saxony during a guided bus tour. We are available anytime at: !